This is my new laptop. Yay!!!!

Some seeds and stuff for my garden this year.

So I have a seed starter kit (I'm sure I need more), a couple of onion sets, plant markers and the seeds I have:
Royal Burgundy Beans (they are purple, but I guess once you cook them, they turn green), carrots (I thought maybe if I grow vegetables I don't like, maybe I'll start to like them, we'll see), lettuce (I need more seeds, one packet isn't going to cut it), a couple of different sunflower seed packets, marigolds (suppose to keep creepy bugs away from tomato plants, don't know if it works, but it looks nice), long beans (they look really cool), typical garden bean (I love green beans), scallions (or green onion if you prefer), cilantro (One of the best herbs ever), radishes (again, if I grow it, maybe I'll learn to like it), garlic chives (mmmm), chives (you can never ever have too many).
What is missing is tomatoes. What is wrong with me? I hope to do a mix of seed and seedlings for tomatoes. It is just that you have more choice for tomato varieties if you buy seeds. I also need to make sure I get Basil Spicy Globe seeds too. I grew it one year and it is much spicier than regular basil and my mom can tell you I LOVE strong spicy flavors (but not when it comes to hot pepper type stuff).
I think that is all for now. Right now I am procrastinating from organizing my yarn. I'll get back to it after I post this. Yay, I think. ;-)
Nice laptop. I love mine. It became unhappy with me yesterday and I traveled right to Tucson to help change it's disposition. It is happy again. Guess it just needs to be pampered now and then. Remember to plant leaf lettus and radishes on a one to two week baisis so you can have them all summer long or they will come on all at once and they don't keep well. Suez
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information, especially on the radishes. I have never grown them before, so I didn't know.
ReplyDeleteI love my laptop, but the mouse section is super sensitive. It will click on something without me pressing the clicker. I want to get a separate mouse for the laptop when I use it at home. If I take it elsewhere I'll just deal with the mouse section.